Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Bars shut down

I have recently been keeping up with the story about Bar Norfolk and Have A Nice Day Cafe being shut down. I first found out about this watching the news with my grandmother. They claim that the bars don't fit into the family type of atmosphere they want Waterside to have. They took away the liquor liscences from the bars and padlocked the doors. A little extreme if you ask me. I don't understand why they would close the bars and not Hooters. I don't think Hooters is a place for family fun. Don't get me wrong the wigs are great but how is exposing your children to women in little clothes with their butts hanging out appropriate? Let me know how you feel about this.

1 comment:

  1. i completely agree with you. I find that completely absord (i can't spell so ignore the errors :P). I don't think they should have closed the bar however did you think there might be some ppl that get drunk all the time there? so they might be having problems there...
